Burnout & Health Coaching

Transform your energy, health & life.

Let’s build a healthy life that you love!

What I help you with

Work With Me

  • Understand your burnout, personalized healing protocol, 1:1 coaching, transform your energy from tired to alive. 3 months of personalized coaching.

About Jordan

I worked as a Personal Trainer for twelve years, helping hundreds of women reach their fitness goals, change their bodies, and their lives.

Building my Personal Training business, opening my own studio and having a full roster of clients was my dream. However, as I time went on I started feeling like I wanted more. I started exploring other areas of health, I learned more about nutrition, I dove deep into understanding stress hormones, and I started meditating.

It wasn’t long before I realized I wanted to help people with more than their fitness goals. I wanted to help them with everything health related. I wanted to go deeper, and I really, really wanted to talk about more than workouts.

In 2021 I closed the doors to my part of the Personal Training Studio and I haven’t looked back. Now I help busy, burnt-out and overwhelmed people achieve their health goals, get their energy back and feel amazing.

I have a very balanced approach to health coaching, and that’s what makes it sustainable for you. Let’s build a healthy life that you love!

Kattie T.

“My biggest win on the 10 Day Reset was drinking enough water for the first time in ages. As a positive side effect, it also meant I drank less caffeine and sugar during the day. You made the challenge easy, broke it down for us, and were a positive light through it all. Thank you!”

Lynn M.

“Honestly , I feel better, so better, I’d say I feel light (not weight scale light but airy, I guess you’d say). I feel clean too, inside clean, maybe because of my increased water intake. I CAN easily, comfortably and sensibly breathe, move, eat and have FUN - I felt fortunate to have easy contact with you and our lively happy friendly banter!”


Follow us on IG @jcwellness.co